Most entrepreneurs have a ton of knowledge to share.
But they don’t have the time (or skills) to turn their insights into a thought-leading book, course, or newsletter.
I can help you position your writing, captivate readers, and own your niche.
See how we can work together
Turn your business experience into category-defining content.
You’ve built a successful business and want to write about it. A book that acts as a manifesto for your category. A newsletter that shares your unique point of view. A course that educates your customers with original frameworks.
But having knowledge and sharing it in a way that draws people in are very different.
Really, you're not trying to “create content.”
You're trying to educate someone about a different approach, shift someone’s perspective, and carve out your own niche. Sometimes, you can do this by yourself. But more often, you need a second set of eyes — someone outside your industry, company, and circle — to be brutally (and compassionately) honest about your work.
Does your book share your unique point of view?
Will people go beyond the first module of your course?
Does your newsletter draw readers in week after week?
You want to confidently answer “yes” to these questions before publishing.
Writing content you’re proud to publish is more than putting words onto the page. It’s about making sure those words get people’s attention, say something no one else has said, and, well, actually get read.
At the end of the day, all entrepreneurs want to do one thing:
Tell a meaningful story that makes a difference.
Books are the most powerful way to present your unique point of view.
Coming up with a unique, compelling point of view (POV) is only 50% of the game. The other 50%, which almost never gets talked about, is how to come up with ideas that scale.
When positioning your book, you have to decide which of the 7 best-selling, most scalable categories you’re going to play in.
Personal Development
Personal Finance
Case Study/Allegory
Functional Excellence
You want to have perfect clarity around what type of book you’re writing and why.
This determines whether readers 1) buy your book and devour it, 2) buy your book and don’t read it, or 3) don’t buy your book at all.
3 ways we can collaborate:
Elevate your book before publishing
Get your manuscript ready for readers by sharpening the title, introduction, structure, positioning, and more.
Brainstorm your idea before writing
Make sure your book’s positioning is on point before you spend months (and many weekends) writing it.
Tell your story to 32,000+ readers
Have you designed a new and different category of business? As a Category Pirates co-author, I always look for stories to share.
What It’s Like To Work With Me